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Groups Axis

Groups Axes are optional, and multiple may exist. There are two types of Groups Axes:

  • Any - Uses an expression like a field name and dynamically builds groups during calculation stage using the distinct values that the expression returns.
  • Exact - The exact list of groups in the axis are defined.

Edit Groups Window (left side)


Edit Groups Window (right side)


  • Buttons to edit the highlighted items under Selected Groups - These buttons are used to modify the Group payload (see next section).

Group payload

It may be helpful to understand a group by looking at the JSON code that defines it. A group requires only one thing: syntax.

Group definition (shorthand - as string)

But a group can included additional information (any JSON data) which would help the visualization renderer.

Group definition (as object)
{ syntax: "segment==1", label: "Outdoor Consumer", color: "#0064c8", whatever_else: 1234 }


Define groups

groups: {
g: "country", // this is a stardim because it is a string and contains syntax only
h: {
h1: "segment==1", // shorthand (syntax only)
h2: "segment==2",
h3: { syntax: "segment==3", label: "Outdoor consumer" }