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With a standard layout, each option will be presented independently (likely a separate column).

<optionSet name="options1" label="Options">
<option value="1" label="More Time" />
<option value="2" label="The Same Amount of Time" />
<option value="3" label="Less Time" />
<option value="4" label="I don't spend time on it" />


With stacked layout, all options are combined into a stack. Specify the width of the stack (if needed) using stackWidth. A larger set of options may benefit from a larger stackWidth.


It might be cool if user could specify colorIndex for the options, so that even though bottom/middle/top box are not netted, the colors could indicate a boxing.

<optionSet name="options2" label="Options" stack="true" stackWidth="500">
<option value="1" label="Rank 1" />
<option value="2" label="Rank 2" />
<option value="3" label="Rank 3" />
<option value="4" label="Rank 4" />
<option value="5" label="Rank 5" />


<optionSet name="options1" label="Nets" stack="true" stackWidth="500">
<option value="1,2,3" label="Not Important (Bottom 3)" />
<option value="4,5,6,7,8" label="Neutral (Middle 5)" />
<option value="9,10" label="Important (Top 2)" />
<optionSet name="options2" label="Options">
<option value="1" label="Not At All Important" />
<option value="2" label="2" />
<option value="3" label="3" />
<option value="4" label="4" />
<option value="5" label="5" />
<option value="6" label="6" />
<option value="7" label="7" />
<option value="8" label="8" />
<option value="9" label="9" />
<option value="10" label="Extremely Important" />


I can't remember if/how this is specified or implemented.