Destructuring Assignment
Makes it possible to unpack stuff from arrays or objects, into distinct variables.
Object destructuring
Assume we have an object defined as follows:
const product = {
id: 1074,
label: "Earbuds",
code: "p-1074-earbuds"
Here's the usual way to access properties of the object:
const id =;
const label = product.label;
const code = product.code;
Here's a convenient way to pull out the properties using the destructuring assignment syntax. This has the same effect as the syntax above.
const { id, label, code } = product;
Function parameter destructuring
In Report Builder, property functions take a single argument named context. So a function could be defined like this:
(context) => context.props.countryLabel + ": " + context.props.productLabel
But you may often see this written more concisely using function parameter destructuring.
({ props }) => props.countryLabel + ": " + props.productLabel
Technically you could destructure the individual props too, and here's a search link if you're interested.
Array destructuring
Arrays can be destructured too. See tutorial below.
Learn more
Here's a great W3 Schools tutorial. If you want to find additional articles and videos, here's a search link.